Recubrimientos nanoestructurados y tratamientos superficiales para aplicaciones ópticas industriales
Moderador: Prof. Agustín Rodríguez González-Elipe (ICMS-CSIC)
15 octubre 2024 12:00 horas – Ver en YouTube
12:00.- Nanomaterials: Towards the very high performance of revisited photonic devices
Nowadays, more and more innovative materials are sought to create new differentiating photonic treatments. Nanostructuring of thin films is a means of technological breakthrough. The study of optical properties controlled by surface nanostructuring via the Oblique-Angle Deposition (OAD) PVD technique is mainly addressed in our works. This technology forms 3D nanoporous architectures used in many application fields. Its major advantage lies in the high modularity of refractive indices accessible through precise control of the film porosity via the deposition conditions.
The film morphology can also be modified by changing the substrate orientation during the deposition. The resulting films are complex (anisotropy, porosity gradients, scattering) and therefore require advanced optical characterization. Unique elaboration means have allowed to precisely control the growth of the nanostructures and to develop new morphologies. Perfect correlations have been demonstrated between nanostructures and optical properties. The broadband anti-reflective coatings in the visible and near infrared range, from 400 to 1800 nm, have been optimized by developing their omnidirectionality. All the work has enabled us to extend the use of the OAD technique to a new application: polarimetric filters. This presentation will also highlight the original form of our research through the joint Primeo laboratory and the positive contribution of the two partners.
Dr. Bertrand Lacroix, Universidad de Sevilla
After completing his degree in Physics, followed by a Master's in Physics and Materials Engineering at the University of Poitiers (France), Dr. Bertrand Lacroix completed his PhD in Physics at the same university in 2009. Throughout his career, he has held extended positions at renowned research centers in France and Spain: Laboratoire de Physique des Matériaux (PHYMAT, 2006-2009), Centre de Recherche sur les Ions, les Matériaux et la Photonique (CIMAP-CNRS, 2010-2013), Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla (ICMS-CSIC, 2013-2016), and the University of Cádiz (2017-2022). In 2022, he joined the Department of Applied Physics I at the University of Seville as a postdoctoral researcher after being selected through a competitive talent attraction program. He is currently working in this department under a research contract funded by the EMERGIA talent recruitment program of the Andalusian Council, leading a four-year project that began in 2023. His research focuses on the development of innovative materials, primarily in the form of nanostructured thin films produced through various fabrication processes (physical vapor deposition, epitaxial growth, thermal treatments, ion implantation). Understanding the ultimate behavior of these systems at nanometer and sub-nanometer scales is the central aim of his research. For that, he relies mainly on advanced electron microscopy techniques that he combines with other characterization methods (XRD, RBS, optical spectroscopies, etc.) and with simulations and modelling. B. Lacroix has contributed to over 15 research projects across various levels (EU, national, regional, and local) and has been involved in 5 industry and academic contracts. He currently has over 50 indexed publications (h-index = 17).
12:30.- Nanotechnology in Your Face: Modern Coatings for Ophthalmic Lenses
In this talk, we will present the new development of advanced IR and blue light blocking coatings and highly transparent AR coatings with high-angle stability and excellent anti-static features, applied in commercial ophthalmic lenses. These nanotechnological developments provide to the customers an enhanced visual comfort, sun protection, improved aesthetics, more transparent lenses with greater resistance to high temperature, improved level of visual contrast to provide extremely sharp vision, preventive filter against irritation and cellular ageing, relaxed vision, insomnia prevention and anti-fatigue effect among other advantages.
Dr. Franco Rigato, Director de Operaciones de Horizons Optical
Graduated in Materials Science from the University of Padua (Italy) in 2004, with a final project on the growth of ultra-hard thin films by Magnetron Sputtering. PhD from the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2010, with a thesis on ferrimagnetic epitaxial films deposited by Magnetron Sputtering, conducted at the Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, including a 4-month stay in the group of Nobel Prize winner in Physics, Albert Fert, at the CNRS-Thales laboratory of the University of Paris-Saclay (now Albert Fert Laboratory). Since 2011, researcher in ophthalmic lens treatments at Indo. Since 2017, head of the development group for ophthalmic lens treatments at Horizons Optical, and since 2020, Director of Operations at Horizons Optical.
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